From LA, SF (twice), Chicago, Palo Alto, Miami, Boca Raton and NYC (twice) to Paris, Geneva, Budapest, Brussels, Athens, Berlin and London, activists confronted BlackRock for its failure to live up to its promises on climate.

Get ready for the next phase of the campaign – join us on October 20 for, “BlackRock is Failing on Climate, What’s Next?”
This September we saw incredible new protests and demonstrations taking place in Geneva, Budapest (with a special four legged guests appearance), Chicago, Athens, and Paris. Activists deployed all around creative props like black smoke, pipelines, trees wrapped in makeshift flames symbolizing BlackRock’s continued investment in coal, tar sands, and other companies driving deforestation.
On October 2nd, our friends in London and New York delivered the best images from the Swarm actions to BlackRock executives in their headquarters offices in New York and London as the culmination of the global escalation of protests.
On the same day, we also joined the Stop Funding Tar Sands: Day of Solidarity with Frontline Communities organized by STMP where San Francisco activists held a funeral demanding BlackRock to stop funding tar sands.
Despite some of the BlackRock offices being only at 30% capacity, we know for a fact that BlackRock is noticing our increased pressure. And for those of us in the US, using the words of our friend Alec, let’s remember that “Whatever Happens in November, Wall Street Must Act on the Climate Crisis“. We are not going away! The September Swarm was just the beginning.