A well attended "die in" was organized at BlackRock's Boston offices "because ecocide is criminal".

Yesterday two of the country’s fastest growing grassroots groups – Extinction Rebellion and Mothers Out Front – sent a bold message to BlackRock staff at one of their main US offices.
The Boston “die-in” was organized to, in the words of one local organizer, “set up a crime scene because ecocide is criminal”. The organizers are “targeting the business as usual suicidal machinery, by building a global mass movement against fossil fuels and ecological breakdown due to resource consumption.”
Extinction Rebellion and Mothers Out Front volunteers engaged hundreds of passers-by, handing out campaign leaflets and engaging dozens of people in conversations.
The action was covered prominently by the Boston Globe, see photo below.
BlackRock employees were apparently tipped off about the action ahead of time, and rather than facing these mothers, grandmothers, parents and youth from all walks of life with their critique of the company, instead hid inside their offices.
But employees of the world’s biggest backer of fossil fuels can’t hide forever as the campaign asking BlackRock to turn into a force for climate solutions is growing across the US and around the world.
Being so associated with the climate crisis is not a good look on them or their customers.
Fore more on Extinction Rebellion (XR) global, visit https://rebellion.earth/
For XR’s Boston chapter, visit https://xrmass.org/
For more on Mothers Out Front visit https://www.mothersoutfront.org/