We stand with the demands of Black leaders to defund and demilitarize the police and invest in black communities.

We grieve with the family of George Floyd, and our Black family, allies, and members. And we fall in formation behind them in solidarity today. Our hearts are with the families of George, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and too many beautiful lives taken by an extractive, capitalist system that supports and thrives through the oppression of Black and Brown people and communities.
Our network is committed to pressuring financial institutions to stop funding the climate crisis and human rights violations. In doing that work, we have come to understand and constantly learn more about the impact of money on upholding systems of oppression. We stand with the demands of Black activists to defund and demilitarize the police and to invest in Black communities. The financial institutions that we target are the same institutions that profit from the oppression, surveillance, detention, and over-policing of Black and Brown people. For the climate crisis to end, there must be safety for Black and Brown people–and vice versa.
At this time, we follow the leadership of Black organizers, the Movement for Black Lives, and Black leadership in the climate movement. We pledge to do anything in our power to show up in defense of Black lives, and we pledge to work harder to ensure our network centers anti-racism and the safety and prosperity of People of Color.
In this moment, it is imperative that all of us follow the lead of Black organizers and Black-led organizations. We recommend searching for groups in your area who are organizing protests, bail funds, and other activities. You can also start here:
Immediate Actions:
Groups to support: