How the financial industry funds destruction
Research and reports detailing how BlackRock and Big Finance are fuelling a global crisis – and how they can lead change.

Fueling the Fire
This report finds the fossil fuel industry not only has been a primary driver of climate change but also has harmed the health of Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) communities for decades and has made these populations highly vulnerable to severe illness and death from COVID-19.

2018 Asset Manager Climate Scorecard
A new report analyzing the world’s thirteen largest asset managers’ U.S. proxy voting in carbon-intensive industries reveals that they’re exerting limited and uneven influence over management, despite calls from shareholders to de-carbonize corporate business models.

Sustainable Finance Policy Engagement
This research has mapped out intensive lobbying on European sustainable finance policy, led by industry groups representing the finance and corporate (real economy) sectors. Whilst a small number of financial institutions have pushed for ambitious policy, the majority have remained silent or stated only high-level support.

Voting Matters
Climate change is one of the highest priorities facing investors. In this report, we’ve examined how 57 of the world’s largest asset managers voted on 65 shareholder resolutions linked to climate change. While there is encouraging improvement when it comes to voting for climate change resolutions, many still shy away from holding companies account. Investors voting power is the most powerful tool they have, it is vital that all investors use it.

Complicity in Destruction
This new edition of Complicity in Destruction III, published by the Association of Brazil’s Indigenous Peoples (APIB) in partnership with Amazon Watch, reveals how a network of leading international financial institutions is linked to conflicts on Indigenous lands, illegal deforestation, land grabbing, the weakening of environmental protections, and the production and export of conflict commodities.

Doubling Down on Deforestation
This report examines the ways in which the Big Three have “doubled down on deforestation”. Finally, this report offers recommendations for urgent actions the Big Three can and must take to uphold their responsibility, not only to their beneficiaries, but to our planetary surviva

The Passives Problem and Paris Goals: How Index Investing Trends Threaten Climate Action
This paper aims to bring the contours of the passive investing problem into focus. We have used the best available research to summarize big trends, crystallize strategic questions,and point to possible solutions.

Banks and Investors financing the expansion of the global coal plant fleet
New research reveals the banks and investors financing the expansion of the global coal plant fleet: while the latest IPCC and UN Emissions Gap reports both issue stark warnings on the need for an accelerated phase-out of coal power, the global coal plant fleet is still expanding.

Investing in Amazon Crude
This report outlines in detail the ways that five of the world's most powerful financial institutions are actively contributing to climate change by providing debt and equity financing for crude oil extraction projects in the Amazon. It highlights key examples of on-the-ground Indigenous resistance to oil extraction, while making clear that this extraction in the Amazon is not only terrible for the climate but also a major financial risk for these institutions, given the precedent of legal resistance and forceful intervention from Indigenous communities.

Banking on Climate Change
The latest version of the most comprehensive report on global banks’ fossil fuel financing, Banking on Climate Change 2020, was released on March 18th, 2020. The report reveals that 35 global banks have not only been sustaining but expanding the fossil fuel sector with more than $2.7 trillion in the four years since the Paris Climate Agreement.

Five Years Lost: How The Finance Industry Is Blowing The Paris Carbon Budget, Reclaim Finance
Two days ahead of the 5th Paris Agreement anniversary, 18 NGOs are releasing a joint report showcasing 12 of the most devastating fossil fuel projects that are currently planned or under development. These expansion projects alone would use up three-quarters of the total remaining carbon budget if we are to have a 66% probability of limiting global warming to 1.5° Celsius.