Human Rights
Findings on finance corporations’ support for companies that are violating human rights and contributing to systemic racism and injustice—from land-grabbing and the murder of Indigenous Peoples to the militarization of police and aggressive immigration practices.

A Leaf Out of an Old Book: How the LEAF Coalition Enables Market Colonialism
Amazon Watch has serious concerns that the LEAF Coalition’s agreement with the Ecuadorian Ministry of the Environment is yet another example of carbon offset programs serving as a dangerous distraction from climate justice. Programs like the LEAF Coalition threaten to create a false “green” veneer over continued threats to Indigenous rights while enabling extractive industries and further commoditizing communities’ relationships with nature.

Vanguard’s Empty Promises: How Vanguard Funds Harm and Fuels Extractive Industry
This report (1) critiques Vanguard’s governance practices and charitable giving vehicles and (2) highlights how Vanguard’s loose definitions of social justice and inadequate screening tools allow capital to be deployed to extractive industries via funds touted as both environmentally and socially responsible. While frontline BIPOC communities have been demanding divestment from extractive industries for years, Vanguard’s investment vehicles remain financial drivers of harmful industry.

No Consent: Astra Agro Lestrari’s land grab in Central and West Sulawesi, Indonesia
BlackRock and Vanguard are two of the largest shareholders in Astra Agro Lestrari (AAL). Through its subsidiaries PT Agro Nusa Abadi, PT Lestari Tana Teladan, and PT Mamuang, AAL is responsible for numerous environmental, human rights, and governance violations.

Complicity in Destruction IV – How mining companies and international investors drive Indigenous rights violations and threaten the future of the Amazon
This fourth edition of the Complicity in Destruction series, developed jointly by the Association of Brazil’s Indigenous Peoples (APIB) and Amazon Watch, briefly summarizes the history of large-scale mining in Brazil, with particular focus on its encroachment upon Indigenous lands, and highlights the growing momentum that the activity has gained under the Bolsonaro administration. Today, the deadly mining industry continues to cast its shadow over Brazilian Indigenous territories and the Amazon rainforest.

Investing in Amazon Crude II: How the Big Three Asset Managers Actively Fund the Amazon Oil Industry
Three of the world's largest asset managers – BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street – with trillions of dollars under their control, invest in oil companies with horrific environmental and human rights records across the Amazon Basin.
Right now, these asset managers hold a large amount of risk by actively contributing to Indigenous and human rights abuses, forest destruction, biodiversity loss, and climate chaos. The "Big Three" can't claim to be climate champions while steering client money into oil drilling in the rainforest.

Fueling the Fire
This report finds the fossil fuel industry not only has been a primary driver of climate change but also has harmed the health of Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) communities for decades and has made these populations highly vulnerable to severe illness and death from COVID-19.

Complicity in Destruction
This new edition of Complicity in Destruction III, published by the Association of Brazil’s Indigenous Peoples (APIB) in partnership with Amazon Watch, reveals how a network of leading international financial institutions is linked to conflicts on Indigenous lands, illegal deforestation, land grabbing, the weakening of environmental protections, and the production and export of conflict commodities.