Case Studies

Biomass Electricity & Drax
BlackRock is a major investor in the world’s biggest biomass burner, UK-based Drax Plc. Formerly a coal-fired power station, Drax has been increasing its biomass burning since 2012. It now imports and burns more wood than the UK can produce every year, emitting 13 million tonnes of CO2 annually. Biomass is often classified (and subsidised) […]

Amazon deforestation
The Amazon is the world’s largest rainforest. It’s critical for biodiversity and climate regulation, because it ‘pumps’ water into the air (like a heart) to produce rain and cool the earth. The Amazon is the world’s largest carbon sink, storing an estimated 150-200 billion tons of carbon. It also houses at least 10% of the planet’s known biodiversity, and is home to over 400 distinct groups of Indigenous peoples, who have protected this crucial ecosystem for centuries.